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BW Teacher ED

Discover the Rewards of a Baldwin Wallace University Degree
BW Education Student Performance
* Incoming high school mean GPA = 3.49
* Education graduate mean GPA = 3.5
* Ohio Teacher License pass rate (2012-13) = 99%
* National Teacher Performance Assessment (EdTPA)
Student Average Scores:
Ohio = 41.9
US = 43.7
BW = 44.7
* 100% pass rate for BW grads completing their 4 year teacher residency (2013-14)
* 3 years of technology integration instruction
* Freshman year field experiences; Minimum of 5 field experiences in four years
* Cutting edge preparation with grant-funded models of year-long clinical
placements and co-teaching with experiences teachers
Strong Reputation
* Area school districts hold a BW-Only career fair each year to attract BW's top talent.
* Asheboro, NC schools provide housing for selected teachers each year, employing
most at the conclusion of their experience.
* Have partnerships with over 60 districts and hundreds of schools
* Fully accredited by the National Council on Accreditation of Teacher Education
* BA Programs in Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Mild/Moderate
* MAEd Programs in Leadership in Technology for Teaching & Learning,
Literacy/Reading, Mild/Moderate Education, School Leadership.
WHY BW Students Want to Teach
While teaching, nationwide, is rapidly changing, the reasons BW students want to be teachers remains the same.
> They want to make a difference
> They love children and youth
> They have a passion for their academic majors
> They live in the BW mission of preparing "contributing, compassionate citizens",
striving for "personal and professional excellence".
WHAT is Different?
BW Teachers are ethical and dedicated
As many as 85% of our students come to BW knowing they want to be teachers
Education students excel on the athletic field, as leaders of clubs, and advocates for children