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 School of Education



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BW Teacher ED

Discover the Rewards of a Baldwin Wallace University Degree

BW Education Student Performance

*  Incoming high school mean GPA = 3.49

*  Education graduate mean GPA = 3.5

*  Ohio Teacher License pass rate (2012-13) = 99%

*  National Teacher Performance Assessment (EdTPA) 

                       Student Average Scores:

                                     Ohio = 41.9

                                         US = 43.7

                                        BW = 44.7

*  100% pass rate for BW grads completing their 4 year teacher residency (2013-14)



*  3 years of technology integration instruction

*  Freshman year field experiences; Minimum of 5 field experiences in four years

*  Cutting edge preparation with grant-funded models of year-long clinical

    placements and co-teaching with experiences teachers


Strong Reputation

*  Area school districts hold a BW-Only career fair each year to attract BW's top talent.

*  Asheboro, NC schools provide housing for selected teachers each year, employing

    most at the conclusion of their experience.

*  Have partnerships with over 60 districts and hundreds of schools

*  Fully accredited by the National Council on Accreditation of Teacher Education

*  BA Programs in Early Childhood, Middle Childhood, Mild/Moderate

*  MAEd Programs in Leadership in Technology for Teaching & Learning,    

    Literacy/Reading, Mild/Moderate Education, School Leadership.


WHY BW Students Want to Teach

While teaching, nationwide, is rapidly changing, the reasons BW students want to be teachers remains the same.

> They want to make a difference

> They love children and youth

> They have a passion for their academic majors

> They live in the BW mission of preparing "contributing, compassionate citizens", 

   striving for "personal and professional excellence".


WHAT is Different?



BW Teachers are ethical and dedicated



As many as 85% of our students come to BW knowing they want to be teachers



Education students excel on the athletic field, as leaders of clubs, and advocates for children




BW Teacher Ed Resource Site

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